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Satoshi Usami

Associate professor, Ph.D.
Faculty of Education/Graduate School of Education, University of Tokyo, Japan.

Satoshi Usami was born in Aichi Prefecture, Japan. He received his Ph.D. degree in 2012 from University of Tokyo. After he worked for University of Tsukuba, from 2017 he joined the Graduate School of Education, the University of Tokyo. His general interests are developing and applying statistical methods for behavioral science. Methodologically, his current lines of research include (a) latent growth curve modeling for evaluating within-person changes and its individual differences, (b) developing and investigating the unified framework for longitudinal models to examine reciprocal relations between longitudinally observed variables, and (c) within-person variability score-based causal inference for joint effects of time-varying treatments. In addition, he is collaborating with substantive researchers on a number of topics relating to educational, psychological and medical research.

Website: http://satoshiusami.com/

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