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Job Descriptions (Volunteers)

As a non-profit organization, ISDSA uses 100% of its revenues and donations to its core mission to promote data science and data analytics. Everyone in the society, including its president and board members, works for the society without pay. We need volunteers to help our operation all the time. Below is a list of volunteer jobs. for inquire and/or application, send an email to jobs@isdsa.org.

  • Membership & Outreach Coordinator (Filled)
    The Membership & Outreach Coordinator is responsible for recruiting and retaining members, and for planning and coordinating events, mailings, and social media.
  • Data coordinator (Filled)
    The Data Coordinator is responsible for collecting and maintaining data related to ISDSA’s operation. He or she also analyzes the data to gain insights on ways to better help the members and users of ISDSA.
  • Website Developer
    The tasks associated with the position include maintaining the ISDSA website and social media accounts including Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube.
  • Registration Coordinator (Filled)
    The Registration Coordinators help with the registration process before and during the event. They take turns at the registration table so there is always someone available to welcome attendees, register attendees and provide general information about the conference.
  • Conference Room Hosts
    One coordinator and a team of around 3 people as room greeters and room AV people. The team operates on a rotating schedule, where the room host goes to a conference room early to assist with the disconnection of the prior speaker from the AV, assist the next speaker with connecting to the AV, see that they have a clean glass of water and introduce them to the audience.
  • Editorial Assistant
    The Editorial Assistant coordinates the paper submission, reviewer process, and publication of accepted articles.
  • Copy Editors
    The Copy Editor is responsible for copyediting the accepted manuscript of Journal of Behavioral Data Science. The work might be compensated based on the effort involved.

ISDSA About Membership Academy Jobs at ISDSA Privacy ISDSA Press About Journal of Behavioral Data Science Books Annual Meeting Current Meeting Donate ISDSA is an exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. To make tax deductible contribution for the growth of ISDSA, click here.